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Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Transcription Factor Analysis Kit

BD Stemflow™ Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Transcription Factor Analysis Kit

제품 세부 정보
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BD Stemflow™
Human (QC Testing), Rhesus (Reported)
Hu Pluripotent Stem Cell TF Analysis Kit


준비 및 보관

The entire BD Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Transcription Factor Analysis Kit must be stored in the dark at 2° to 8°C. Do not freeze.

560589 Rev. 2
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설명 수량 / 사이즈 부품 번호
Perm/Wash Buffer N/A 51-9006275 N/A
PE Mouse IgG1, κ Isotype Control N/A 51-9006406 N/A
Anti-Mouse Ig, κ 6 mL (1 ea) 51-9006274 N/A
PE Mouse anti-Human Nanog 1.5 mL (1 ea) 51-9006414 N/A
PerCP-Cy™5.5 Mouse IgG1, κ Isotype Control N/A 51-9006272 N/A
Fixation Buffer 50 mL (1 ea) 51-9006276 N/A
Alexa Fluor® 647 Mouse IgG2a, κ Isotype Control N/A 51-9006410 N/A
PerCP-Cy™5.5 Mouse anti-Oct3/4 1.5 mL (1 ea) 51-9006267 N/A
Negative Control (PBS with 1% BSA) 50 Tests (1 ea) 51-9006227 N/A
Alexa Fluor® 647 Mouse anti-Sox2 1.5 mL (1 ea) 51-9006407 N/A
560589 Rev. 2
인용 및 참고 문헌
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개발 참고 자료 (7)

  1. Boiani M, Schöler HR. Regulatory networks in embryo-derived pluripotent stem cells. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 2005; 6:872–881. (Biology).
  2. Boyer LA, Lee TI, Cole MF, et al. Core transcriptional regulatory circuitry in human embryonic stem cells. Cell. 2005; 122:947-956. (Biology). 참조 보기
  3. International Stem Cell Initiative. Characterization of human embryonic stem cell lines by the International Stem Cell Initiative. Nat Biotechnol. 2007; 25(7):803-816. (Biology). 참조 보기
  4. Pan G, Thomson JA. Nanog and transcriptional networks in embryonic stem cell pluripotency. Cell Res. 2007; 17:42-49. (Biology). 참조 보기
  5. Xu C. Characterization and evaluation of human embryonic stem cells. Methods Enzymol. 2006; 420:18–37. (Biology).
  6. Yamanaka, S. Pluripotency and nuclear reprogramming. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 2008; 363(1500):2079-2087. (Biology). 참조 보기
  7. Yu J, Vodyanik MA, Smuga-Otto K, et al. Induced pluripotent stem cell lines derived from human somatic cells. Science. 2007; 318(5858):1917-1920. (Biology). 참조 보기
모두 보기 (7) 간단히 보기
560589 Rev. 2

Please refer to Support Documents for Quality Certificates

Global - Refer to manufacturer's instructions for use and related User Manuals and Technical data sheets before using this products as described

Comparisons, where applicable, are made against older BD Technology, manual methods or are general performance claims.  Comparisons are not made against non-BD technologies, unless otherwise noted.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic or therapeutic procedures.
