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Training options for your BD FACSDiscover S8 Cell Sorter include hands-on instructor-led training as well as product resources to suit all your training needs. 


Self-Paced Training
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View self-paced e-Learning to learn more about your instrument and software. Use our self-paced courses as an introduction to a topic and check what you have learned by taking a short quiz at the end of each course. 

BD FACSDiscover™ S8 Cell Sorter: System overview


This course provides an overview of the BD FACSDiscoverS8 Cell Sorter with BD CellView™ and BD SpectralFX™ Technologies, including the basic features and functionality of BD FACSChorus Software. 


After you complete this course, you should be able to:

  • Identify the major hardware components.
  • Describe the basics of the fluidics, optics and electronics subsystems.
  • Browse the main pages in the software.
  • Define the basic sorting principles.
  • Explain the setup and QC procedure.
  • Describe the basic experiment workflow.
  • Describe the system startup and shutdown options.

BD CellView™ Image Technology overview


This course provides a general overview of BD CellView Image Technology within the BD FACSDiscover S8 Cell Sorter, including using different imaging features and views of the image wall in BD FACSChorusSoftware.

After you complete this course, you should be able to:

  • Describe the basics of the imaging laser and optics.
  • Describe the imaging parameters and features.
  • Browse the image wall in BD FACSChorus Software.
Instructor-Led Training
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Product Resources
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