Continuing Education
Custom Training Solutions
Self-Paced Courses
Instructor-Led Courses
Product-Based Training
- Accuri C6 Plus Product-Based Training
- FACSAria Product Based Training
- FACSCanto Product-Based Training
- FACSLyric Product-Based Training
- FACSMelody Product-Based Training
- FACSymphony Product-Based Training
- HTS Product-Based Training
- LSRFortessa Product-Based Training
- BD FACSDiscover™ S8 Cell Sorter Product Training
Continuing Education
- Accuri C6 Plus Product-Based Training
- FACSAria Product Based Training
- FACSCanto Product-Based Training
- FACSLyric Product-Based Training
- FACSMelody Product-Based Training
- FACSymphony Product-Based Training
- HTS Product-Based Training
- LSRFortessa Product-Based Training
- BD FACSDiscover™ S8 Cell Sorter Product Training
- United States (English)
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Flow Cytometer Product Training
Flow cytometer product training courses provide you with the training you need to safely operate and maintain your BD flow cytometer as well as learn specific tasks related to your job role, such as data management tasks, software administrator tasks or maintaining your cytometer. BD Biosciences offers a variety of training courses for instruments and applications to help you take full advantage of the capabilities of your BD products quickly and efficiently. Courses are led by BD professionals with extensive flow cytometry experience gained in research and clinical laboratories. Courses combine theory with hands-on practice to provide participants with knowledge, skills and operational experience.
Product training consists of product-specific introductory eLearning, hands-on operator training courses, self-paced e-Learning, maintenance videos and job aids.
Instructor-led training
Learn the general operation and workflow for your flow cytometer with hands-on, instructor-led courses. Our instructor-led courses are taught by our professional instructors, who have diverse backgrounds and skills to help guide you through our classes. These courses provide you with the optimal combination of flow cytometry theory and hands-on training to allow you to stay current with this changing technology and take full advantage of our products.

Self-paced training
Learn the basics of your new flow cytometer or reinforce or refresh what you learned in class with our self-paced training courses. These courses allow you to learn at your own speed and repeat as often as needed. Our self-paced courses for online training resources are available 24/7. Courses can be used for basic learning or to reinforce or refresh what you learned in class. Additional self-paced product training courses are available on our e-Learning portal.

Product training resources
Additional training resources provide useful links to videos and job aids to help you perform workflow tasks. How-to videos demonstrate maintenance procedures and allow you to preview a procedure prior to attempting it yourself. Downloaded job aids provide step-by-step instructions for specific tasks.

Training Options
For your unique training needs, BD offers the following solutions.
Contact us at traininginfo@bd.com or call 877.232.8995, prompt 5 to request training that is tailored to your needs.
Virtual Training Consultation (Per Hour)
Get your specific training and analysis needs addressed through scheduled online sessions with an expert from BD Biosciences. Pre-establish specific training topics, number of participants and duration you want for each session.
Train-the-Trainer Program
Training provided to selected individuals at your institution, who have the responsibility of training others. The training program includes best practices for delivering training, instructor guides, access to Learning@BD and time with BD training experts to help you design a training program to standardize your institution's flow cytometry training program.
Tailored Training
If none of the available training options fit your specific needs, we can help you design a tailored solution that fits your institution's training needs.
Continuing Education Credit
BD Biosciences is an approved provider for continuing education programs offered by several organizations. View courses in our catalog to see the number of credits offered for eligible courses.
CE Broker (Clinical Instruments Only)
CE Broker is the official tracking system used by the Florida Department of Health.
ASCLS P.A.C.E Program (Clinical Instruments Only)
Professional Acknowledgment for Continuing Education (P.A.C.E.™) is an administrative system serving as the quality assurance mechanism for continuing education programs offered to clinical laboratory professionals.
ASCP SCYM (Clinical and Research Instruments)
The American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) offers a certification exam for Specialist in Cytometry (SCYM). The Credential Maintenance Program (CMP) is the system that keeps track of requirements to maintain your certification after passing the exam.
BD FACSDiscover™ S8 Cell Sorter
Learn more about the available self-paced and instructor-led training courses and product training resources for the BD FACSDiscover™ S8 Cell Sorter.
BD FACSAria™ Cell Sorters
Learn more about the available self-paced and instructor-led training courses and product training resources for the BD FACSAria™ platform.
BD FACSMelody™ Cell Sorter
Find product training and resources offered for the BD FACSMelody™ Cell Sorter.
BD Accuri™ C6 Plus Cell Analyzer
Learn more about the available self-paced training course and videos or register for instructor-led training at your site for the BD Accuri™ C6 Plus Cell Analyzer.
BD LSRFortessa™ and BD LSRFortessa™ X-20 Cell Analyzers
Find self-paced training and product resources and register for instructor-led courses for the BD LSRFortessa™ Flow Cytometer.
BD FACSLyric™ Flow Cytometer
Learn more about the available self-paced training course and videos or register for instructor-led training for the BD FACSLyric™ Flow Cytometer.
BD FACSCanto™ Flow Cytometer
Find product training and resources offered for the BD FACSCanto™ Cell Analyzer.
BD FACSCelesta™, BD FACSymphony™ A1 and BD FACSymphony™ A3 Cell Analyzers
Learn more about the available self-paced and instructor-led training courses and product training resources for the BD FACSCelesta™, BD FACSymphony™ A1 and BD FACSymphony™ A3 Cell Analyzers.
High-Throughput Sampler Training
Find additional product training and resources offered for the BD® High Throughput Sampler. Instructor-led training courses can be scheduled as part of your flow cytometer’s operator training course.
BD FACSDuet™ Sample Preparation System
Learn about the product training and resources offered for the BD FACSDuet™ Sample Preparation System.
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