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BD FACSLyric™ Clinical Flow Cytometry System

Discover how this flow cytometer can transform your clinical lab with outstanding performance, automation and standardization

Discover the BD FACSLyric™ Flow Cytometry System difference.

  • Witness clinical performance results you have never seen before through high sensitivity and improved resolution
  • Streamline your lab workflow through flexibility and automation, enabling efficiency and productivity
  • Achieve automated process driving highly reproducible results and enable collaboration through assay portability
  • See how the BD FACSLyric™ System can transform your lab.


Discover the BD FACSLyric™ Flow Cytometry System—A Next-Generation Flow Cytometer

Built on a foundation of excellence, experience and expertise, the BD FACSLyric™ Flow Cytometry System is a new standard for cell analysis, transforming the way your lab does flow cytometry. As with all BD instruments, the BD FACSLyric™ Flow Cytometry System is backed by 40 years of BD expert training, service and support—so there’s no limit to your potential.


The Power of the BD FACSLyric™ Flow Cytometer


  • 4-, 6-, 8-, 10- and 12-color configurations. Onsite upgradeable to adapt to your lab's changing needs
  • Up to 3 lasers—blue, red and violet—12 fluorescence channels and 14 parameters
  • 35,000 events per second maximum acquisition rate; no limit on number of events acquired
  • Automated single-tube QC with BD™ CS&T Beads
  • Fluorescence compensation required only every 60 days, improving efficiency and productivity
  • 21 different loading options: plates or tubes; built-in flexibility with BD FACS™ Universal Loader
  • Powered by the BD FACSuite™ Software for acquisition and analysis, supporting many functions and options relevant to U.S. FDA 21 CFR Part 11 offering password protection, audit trail, electronic signatures and IQ/OQ procedures
  • BD FACSLink™ Laboratory Information System (LIS) Interface and BD Assurity Linc™ Remote Systems Management Software streamline your workflow and help improve productivity through seamless integration.


Get more information from the BD FACSLyric™ Flow Cytometry System Brochure.

See how you can simplify your workflow using the automated instrument setup and compensation on the BD FACSLyric™ System.



A new diagnostic tool delivering outstanding performance and standardization.

The BD FACSLyric™ Flow Cytometry System is a high-performance, highly sensitive flow cytometer that demonstrates exceptional resolution and improved separation to make dim and rare cell populations easier to resolve.




Highly reproducible results between instruments drive standardization.


BD FACSLyric™ System Variance (CVs)
15 BD FACSLyric™ Systems: Lyse/Wash settings and BD FC® Beads
Blue Laser %CV
FITC 4.2
PE 4.4
PE-Cy7 4.8
PerCP 10.2
PerCP-Cy5.5 7.9
Red Laser %CV
APC 5.3
APC-Cy7 4.1
APC-H7 3.9
APC-R700 4.2
Violet Laser %CV
BD Horizon™ V450 11.1
BD Horizon™ V500 11
BD Horizon™ BV605 13.6
BD Horizon™ BV711 7.5
BD Horizon™ BV786 15.3


Between-instrument reproducibility of target MFI values on the BD FACSLyric™ System

Lyse/wash assay settings were imported across 15 instruments to show effects of standardization on beads. The CVs of the fluorescence intensity across all channels varies by less than 15.3%. Daily QC with one lot of BD® Cytometer Setup & Tracking Beads was run on fifteen BD FACSLyric™ Flow Cytometers. For each instrument, the PMTV gains were automatically adjusted to meet the target values. BD® FC Beads acquired on each BD FACSLyric™ Instrument. The MFI of positive populations was measured for all parameters across all instruments. The %CV is shown. The data for this internal study were acquired using BD® FC Beads across 15 BD FACSLyric™ Instruments. Greater between-instrument variability could be observed when running biological samples, when using non BD reagents or when comparing fewer instruments. 


A Powerful Solution for CD4 Counts and Other Immunological Assessment

With the BD FACSLyric™ Flow Cytometer, clinical laboratories can obtain repeatable and reliable results for immunological assessment of patients having or suspected of having an immune deficiency such as HIV.


"BD is positioned with BD™ CS&T and BD™ FC Bead technology to enable instrument standardization simply from day to day, instrument to instrument, and lab to lab."

"BD is positioned with BD™ CS&T and BD™ FC Bead technology to enable instrument standardization simply from day to day, instrument to instrument, and lab to lab."

Dr. Lili Wang
Gaithersburg, MD

“The consistency and the regulatory compliance of FACSLyric [Flow Cytometer]’s output is what really drew us to the platform. It is currently unmatched by other flow cytometers in its ability to generate reliable, repeatable results across tests and instruments—even for the most complex assays we deal with day to day. We’ve found it particularly beneficial for multiparameter testing for CAR T cells and immunophenotyping.”

“The consistency and the regulatory compliance of FACSLyric [Flow Cytometer]’s output is what really drew us to the platform. It is currently unmatched by other flow cytometers in its ability to generate reliable, repeatable results across tests and instruments—even for the most complex assays we deal with day to day. We’ve found it particularly beneficial for multiparameter testing for CAR T cells and immunophenotyping.”

Dr. Arno Kromminga
Chief Scientific Officer, BioAgilytix

“The assay portability of BD FACSLyric is the key to efficient method transfer and high data reproducibility. It represents a clear advantage in a regulated environment, where conditions must be met to produce valid results of a guaranteed level of quality. Functional immune cell–based assays and cytokine quantification in preclinical and clinical drug development is a particularly important area where BD FACSLyric offers clear technical advantages.”

“The assay portability of BD FACSLyric is the key to efficient method transfer and high data reproducibility. It represents a clear advantage in a regulated environment, where conditions must be met to produce valid results of a guaranteed level of quality. Functional immune cell–based assays and cytokine quantification in preclinical and clinical drug development is a particularly important area where BD FACSLyric offers clear technical advantages.”

Dr. René Moser
Chief Executive Officer & Chief Scientific Officer, IBR Inc.

“The BD FACSLyric is a system for everyday work that every technician can use.”

“The BD FACSLyric is a system for everyday work that every technician can use.”

Dr. Dennis Hoffman
Labor Wisplinghoff
Cologne, Germany
Journal Publication

Omana-Zapata I, Mutschmann C, Schmitz J, et al. Accurate and reproducible enumeration of T-, B- and NK lymphocytes using the BD FACSLyric 10-Color System: a multisite clinical evaluation. PLoS One. 2019;14(1):e0211207. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0211207. 


The BD FACSCanto™ II and the BD FACSLyric™ and flow cytometers are Class 1 Laser Products.

Cy™ is a trademark of GE Healthcare. Cy™ dyes are subject to proprietary rights of GE Healthcare and Carnegie Mellon University, and are made and sold under license from GE Healthcare only for research and in vitro diagnostic use. Any other use requires a commercial sublicense from GE Healthcare, 800 Centennial Avenue, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1327, USA.

The BD FACSCanto™ II, the BD FACSLyric™ flow cytometer with the BD FACSuite™ Clinical and BD FACSuite™ applications and BD FACSDuet™ are CE marked in compliance with the European In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Device Directive 98/79/EC.

BD Multitest™ Reagents for 3, 4 and 6-color TBNK analysis, formulated to be used with BD Trucount™ Tubes as specified on this page are CE marked in compliance with the European In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Device Directive 98/79/EC.