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BD OneFlow™ ALOT


The BD OneFlow™ ALOT is part of the innovative BD OneFlow™ Solution, a comprehensive set of reagents, setup beads, protocols and assay templates to reproducibly set up the flow cytometer and stain, acquire and analyze patient specimens for immunophenotyping of normal and aberrant cell populations. It is built on the research and validation work of the EuroFlow™ Consortium on the characterization of hematological malignancies for improved accurate diagnosis.1*


The BD OneFlow™ ALOT is  intended for flow cytometric immunophenotyping of aberrant immature populations of hematopoietic cells (lymphoid and non-lymphoid lineage) in bone marrow and peripheral blood.


Other reagents belonging to the BD OneFlow™ Solution are BD OneFlow™ LST, BD OneFlow™ B-CLPD T1BD OneFlow™ PCSTBD OneFlow™ PCD.





The BD OneFlow™ ALOT reagent composition


AntibodyFluorochromeCloneTubeTarget Populations
MP0FITCMP0-7CMyeloid lineage marker


PEHM57CB-lineage marker
CD34PerCP-Cy5.58G12SBackbone marker (BCP-ALL and AML Panels).
Identification of immature cells.
CD19PE-Cy7 SJ25-C1SBackbone marker (BCP-ALL Panel).
B-lineage marker
CD7APCM-T701ST-lineage marker
CD3APC-H7SK7SBackbone marker (T-ALL panel).
CD3BD Horizon™ V450UCHT-1CBackbone marker (T-ALL panel).
Maturity marker for T-cells.
CD45BD Horizon™ V500-C2D1SBackbone marker.
Identification of immature cells.


The EuroFlow antibody panel article1* has a full description of the utility of the antibodies chosen for the BD OneFlow™ ALOT.






Supporting Evidence

An unprecedented orientation efficiency of 98.3% for non-ambiguous lineage cases was shown for the [EuroFlow] ALOT combination with a series of 483 newly diagnosed acute leukemia cases, tested prospectively at different centers.”1*


Results from the clinical trial showed that the BD OneFlow™ ALOT gave an overall agreement of 100% (93 of 93) in orienting patients into lymphoid (44 of 44 concordant) and non-lymphoid (49 of 49 concordant) lineages when compared with the EuroFlow system. Furthermore, interpretation of clinical trial results using the BD OneFlow™ Solution was highly concordant to diagnostic truth derived from a composite of patient history and lab findings.


  1. van Dongen JJM, Lhermitte L, Böttcher S, et al. on behalf of the EuroFlow Consortium (EU-FP6, LSHB-CT-2006-018708). EuroFlow antibody panels for standardized n-dimensional flow cytometric immunophenotyping of normal, reactive and malignant leukocytes. Leukemia. 2012;26(9): 1908-1975. doi: 10.1038/leu.2012.120

  2. Moloney E, Watson H, Barge D, et al. Efficiency and health economic evaluations of BD OneFlow™ Flow Cytometry Reagents for diagnosing chronic lymphoid leukemia. Cytometry B Clin Cytom. 2019;96(6):514-520. doi: 10.1002/cyto.b.21779

  3. Kalina T, Flores-Montero J, van der Velden VHJ, et al. EuroFlow standardization of flow cytometer instrument settings and immunophenotyping protocols. Leukemia. 2012;26(9):1986-2010. doi: 10.1038/leu.2012.122
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic or therapeutic procedures.