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BD FACSCanto™ Clinical Flow Cytometry System

Proven quality and performance you can rely on



For Professionals in Clinical Diagnostics


A proven platform for high reliability and quality results

Built on more than 45 years of BD experience and leadership in flow cytometry and multicolor analysis, the BD FACSCanto™ Flow Cytometry Systems deliver reliable performance, accuracy and ease-of-use for today's busy clinical laboratories.


Get more information from your local BD representative.





The BD FACSCanto™ System is a powerful and reliable cell analyzer for busy, best-in-class laboratories


BD FACSCanto™ Clinical Software on the BD FACSCanto™ System enables automatic gating

BD stem cell 7AAD specimen sample.

BD flow cytometers are Class 1 Laser Products according to IEC Standard. 

For In Vitro Diagnostic Use up to six colors. Seven to 10 colors are for research use only.

Cy™ is a trademark of GE Healthcare. Cy™ dyes are subject to proprietary rights of GE Healthcare and Carnegie Mellon University, and are made and sold under license from GE Healthcare only for research and in vitro diagnostic use.

Any other use requires a commercial sublicense from GE Healthcare, 800 Centennial Avenue, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1327, USA.

Refer to manufacturer's instructions for use and related User Manuals and Technical Data Sheets before using this product as described.

Comparisons, where applicable, are made against older BD technology, manual methods or are general performance claims. Comparisons are not made against non-BD technologies, unless otherwise noted.

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