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BD FACSCanto™ Clinical Flow Cytometry System

Proven quality and performance you can rely on



The BD FACSCanto™ System is a powerful and reliable cell analyzer for busy, best-in-class laboratories

The BD FACS™ Loader instrument option enables walkaway sample introduction to improve productivity

  • Automatic loading of up to forty 12 x 75-mm tubes on the BD FACSCanto™ System without operator intervention

  • Compressed air to allow a more reliable tube load

  • An intelligent tube guide mechanism that automatically sends an alert if a tube is not properly positioned for loading


Unique reflective design improves sensitivity

  • BD patented octagon and trigon detector arrays use serial light reflections to guide signals to their target detectors, resulting in highly efficient light collection and providing maximum signal retention at the detector level

  • The design enables collection of the dimmest emission signals first, moving from the longest wavelengths (typically PE-Cy™7) to the shortest (FITC), further enhancing instrument sensitivity


Innovations in the fluidics system deliver optimal system performance

  • The fixed flow cell design minimizes startup time and improves reproducibility

  • Pressurized fluidics regulate pressure from an easy-to-access standalone fluidics cart

  • Sheath flow rate does not vary with the level of fluid in the sheath Cubitainer® because of regulated pressure 

  • The reservoir automatically removes small air bubbles from the sheath supply





For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic or therapeutic procedures.

Class 1 Laser Product.