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DNA Reagent Kit
Product Details
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BD Cycletest™ Plus
Flow cytometry

Preparation And Storage

1. For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic or therapeutic procedures. 2. When stored at -18°C, the reagents are stable until the expiration date shown on the C ycleTEST PLUS kit label. Do not use after the expiration date. The thawed reagents are stable for 1 m onth when stored at 2° to 8°C. 3. The reagents should not be refrozen after thawing. Do not ex pose reagents to direct light during storage or during incubation with cells. 4. Reagents should not be heated to 37°C although they may be briefly exposed to a 37°C water bath in the process of thawing. 5. Solution C (PI) should be protected from light and kept ice cold (2° to 8°C). 6. Incubation times, ce ntrifugation times, or temperatures other than those specified may be a source of error. 7. For optimal results, analyze stained specimens within 3 hours of staining. 8. Alteration in the appearance of the reagents, such as precipitation or discoloration, indicates instability or de terioration. In suc h cases the reagent(s) should not be used.

340242 Rev. 2
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Description Quantity/Size Part Number
Propidium Iodide Solution N/A 91-0206 N/A
Ttrypsin Inhibitor/Ribonuclease A Solution N/A 91-0205 N/A
Citrate Buffer N/A 91-0203 N/A
Trypsin Solution N/A 91-0204 N/A
340242 Rev. 2
Citations & References
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Development References (19)

  1. A National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Venipuncture (H3-A3). 1991. (Biology: Flow cytometry).
  2. Bach BA, Knape WA, Edinger MG, Tubbs RR. Improved sensitivity and resolution in the flow cytometric DNA analysis of human solid tumor specimens. Am J Clin Pathol. 1991; 96:615-627. (Biology: Flow cytometry).
  3. Bauer KD, Lincoln ST, Vera-Roman JM, et al. Prognostic implications of proliferative activity and DNA aneuploidy in colonic adenocarcinomas. Lab Invest. 1987; 57:329-335. (Biology: Flow cytometry).
  4. Clark GM, Dressler LG, Owens MA, et al. Prediction of relapse or survival in patients with node-negative breast cancer by DNA flow cytometry. N Engl J Med. 1989; 320:627-633. (Biology: Flow cytometry).
  5. Emdin SO, Stenling R, Roos G. Prognostic value of DNA content in colorectal carcinoma: A fl ow cytometric study with some methodologic aspects. Cancer. 1987; 60:1282-1287. (Biology: Flow cytometry).
  6. Frierson HF. Flow cytometric analysis of ploidy in solid neoplasms: Comparison of fresh tissue with formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded specimens. Hum Pathol. 1988; 19:290-294. (Biology: Flow cytometry).
  7. Hiddemann W, Schumann J, Andreef M, et al. Convention on nomenclature for DNA cytometry. Cytometry. 1984; 5:445-446. (Biology: Flow cytometry).
  8. Humason, GL. Bartlett AC, ed. Animal Tissue Techniques. San Francisco: WH Freeman & Company; 1979:229-230.
  9. Martens, et al. The fluorescence intensity of propi dium iodide bound to DNA depends on the concentration of sodium chloride. Cytometry. 1981; 2:24-25. (Biology: Flow cytometry).
  10. Merkel DE, M cGuire WL. Plo idy, proliferative activity and prognosis: DNA flow cytometry of solid tumors. Cancer. 1990; 65:1194-1205. (Biology: Flow cytometry).
  11. Muss HB, Kute TE, Case D, et al. The relation of flow cytometry to clinical and bi ologic characteristics in women with node negative primary breast cancer. Cancer. 1989; 64:1894-1900. (Biology: Flow cytometry).
  12. O’Reilly SM, Camplejohn RS, Barnes DM, Millis RR, Rubens RD, Richards MA. Node-negative breast cancer: prognostic subgroups defined by tu mor size and flow cytometry. J Clin Oncol. 1990; 8:2040-2046. (Biology: Flow cytometry).
  13. Risberg B, Stål O, Eriksson LL, Hussein A. DNA flow cytometry on breast carcinomas: Comparison of a d etergent and an enzyme—detergent preparation method. Anal Cell Pathol. 1990; 2:287-295. (Biology: Flow cytometry).
  14. Sigurdasson H, Baldetorp B, Borg A, et al. Indicators of prognosis in node-negative breast cancer. N Engl J Med. 1990; 322:1045-1053. (Biology: Flow cytometry).
  15. Tribukait B, Hannarberg C, Rubio C. Ploi dy and proli feration patterns in colorectal adenocarcinomas related to Duke’s classification and t o histopathological differentiation. Acta Pathol Microbiol Immunol Scand. 1983; 91:89-95. (Biology: Flow cytometry).
  16. US Department of Health and Human Services. Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office; 1988:12-16.
  17. Vindelov LL, Ch ristensen IJ, Nissen NI. A det ergent-trypsin method for the preparation of nuclei for flow cytometric DNA analysis. Cytometry. 1983; 3:323-327. (Biology: Flow cytometry).
  18. Vindelov LL, Christensen IJ, Jensen G, Nissen NI. Vindelov LL, Christensen IJ, Jensen G, Nissen NI. Cytometry. 1983; 3:332-339. (Biology: Flow cytometry).
  19. Wolley RC, Schreiber K, Koss LG, Karas M, Sherman A. DNA distribution in human colon carcinomas and its relationship to clinical behavior. JNCI. 1982; 69:15-22. (Biology: Flow cytometry).
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340242 Rev. 2

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Global - Refer to manufacturer's instructions for use and related User Manuals and Technical data sheets before using this products as described

Comparisons, where applicable, are made against older BD Technology, manual methods or are general performance claims.  Comparisons are not made against non-BD technologies, unless otherwise noted.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic or therapeutic procedures.